
Processing is an open project intiated by Ben Fry and Casey Reas. It is developed by a small team of volunteers.

Creative Commons License
These tutorial are for Python Mode in Processing 3+. If you see any errors or have comments, please let the author know. This tutorial was adapted from the book, Getting Started with Processing, by Casey Reas and Ben Fry, O’Reilly / Make 2010. Copyright © 2010 Casey Reas and Ben Fry. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Ch.1 - Getting Started (↑)

Welcome to Python Mode for Processing!

Start by visiting and selecting the Mac, Windows, or Linux version, depending on what machine you have. Installation on each machine is straightforward:

With any luck, the main Processing window will now be visible. Everyone's setup is different, so if the program didn't start, or you're otherwise stuck, visit the troubleshooting page for possible solutions.

The Processing Development Environment.

Python Mode

Processing doesn't include support for the Python programming language by default. In order to enable Python support, you'll need to install an add-on called Python Mode. You can do this by clicking on the drop-down menu on the right side of the tool bar and selecting "Add Mode..." A window with the title "Mode Manager" will appear. Scroll down until you see "Python" and press "Install." More information here.

After you've installed Python Mode, you can switch back and forth between the Python and Java versions of Processing using the drop-down menu in the tool bar. If you find yourself getting strange syntax errors or exceptions when running your program, make sure you have the right mode selected!

Your First Program

You're now running the Processing Development Environment (or PDE), with Python Mode installed. There's not much to it; the large area is the Text Editor, and there's a row of buttons across the top; this is the toolbar. Below the editor is the Message Area, and below that is the Console. The Message Area is used for one line messages, and the Console is used for more technical details.

In the editor, type the following:

ellipse(50, 50, 80, 80)

This line of code means "draw an ellipse, with the center 50 pixels over from the left and 50 pixels down from the top, with a width and height of 80 pixels." Click the Run button, which looks like this:


If you've typed everything correctly, you'll see this appear in the Display Window:

If you didn't type it correctly, the Message Area will turn red and complain about an error. If this happens, make sure that you've copied the example code exactly: the numbers should be contained within parentheses and have commas between each of them.

One of the most difficult things about getting started with programming is that you have to be very specific about the syntax. The Processing software isn't always smart enough to know what you mean, and can be quite fussy about the placement of punctuation. You'll get used to it with a little practice.

Next, we'll skip ahead to a sketch that's a little more exciting. Delete the text from the last example, and try this:

def setup():
      size(480, 120)
  def draw():
      if  mousePressed:
      ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 80, 80)

This program creates a window that is 480 pixels wide and 120 pixels high, and then starts drawing white circles at the position of the mouse. When a mouse button is pressed, the circle color changes to black. We'll explain more about the elements of this program in detail later. For now, run the code, move the mouse, and click to experience it.

Note: Be careful about how you indent each line! Indentation is important in Python, and indenting incorrectly or inconsistently can cause your program to work differently from how you intended, or not work at all. You can use any number of spaces, as long as you're consistent about the number of spaces you use. (Many Python programmers prefer four spaces, others prefer two.) You can also use the tab key to indent your code, but don't use tabs and spaces for indentation in the same program.


So far we've covered only the Run button, though you've probably guessed what the Stop button next to it does:


If you don't want to use the buttons, you can always use the Sketch menu, which reveals the shortcut Ctrl-R (or Cmd-R on the Mac) for Run. Below Run in the Sketch menu is Present, which clears the rest of the screen to present your sketch all by itself:

Sketch menu

You can also use Present from the toolbar by holding down the Shift key as you click the Run button.


The next command that's important is Save. It's the downward arrow on the toolbar:


You can also find it under the File menu. By default, your programs are saved to the "sketchbook," which is a folder that collects your programs for easy access. Clicking the Open button on the toolbar (the arrow pointing up) will bring up a list of all the sketches in your sketchbook, as well as a list of examples that are installed with the Processing software:


It's always a good idea to save your sketches often. As you try different things, keep saving with different names, so that you can always go back to an earlier version. This is especially helpful if - no, when - something breaks. You can also see where the sketch is located on the disk with Show Sketch Folder under the Sketch menu.

You can also create a new sketch by pressing the New button on the toolbar:


Examples and Reference

Learning how to program with Processing and Python involves exploring lots of code: running, altering, breaking, and enhancing it until you have reshaped it into something new. With this in mind, the Processing software download includes dozens of examples that demonstrate different features of the software. To open an example, select Examples from the File menu or click the Open icon in the PDE. The examples are grouped into categories based on their function, such as Form, Motion, and Image. Find an interesting topic in the list and try an example.

The Processing Reference explains every code element with a description and examples. The reference programs are much shorter (usually four or five lines) and easier to follow than the longer code found in the Examples folder. We recommend keeping the reference open while you're reading this book and while you're programming. It can be navigated by topic or alphabetically; sometimes it's fastest to do a text search within your browser window.

The reference was written with the beginner in mind; we hope that we've made it clear and understandable. We're grateful to the many people who've spotted errors over the years and reported them. If you think you can improve a reference entry or you find a mistake, please let us know by clicking on the link at the top of each reference page. Reference (↑)

Ch.2 - Processing Overview (↑)

Processing is a simple programming environment that was created to make it easier to develop visually oriented applications with an emphasis on animation and providing users with instant feedback through interaction. The developers wanted a means to "sketch" ideas in code. As its capabilities have expanded over the past decade, Processing has come to be used for more advanced production-level work in addition to its sketching role. Originally built as a domain-specific extension to Java targeted towards artists and designers, Processing has evolved into a full-blown design and prototyping tool used for large-scale installation work, motion graphics, and complex data visualization.

Python Mode for Processing is an extension to Processing, allowing you to write Processing programs in the Python programming language (instead of the Java-like Processing programming language). Program elements in Processing are fairly simple, regardless of which language you're learning to program in. If you're familiar with Python, it's best to forget that Processing has anything to do with it for a while, until you get the hang of how the API works.

The latest version of Processing can be downloaded at

An important goal for the project was to make this type of programming accessible to a wider audience. For this reason, Processing is free to download, free to use, and open source. But projects developed using the Processing environment and core libraries can be used for any purpose. This model is identical to GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection. GCC and its associated libraries (e.g. libc) are open source under the GNU Public License (GPL), which stipulates that changes to the code must be made available. However, programs created with GCC (examples too numerous to mention) are not themselves required to be open source.

Python Mode for Processing consists of:

For this reason, references to "Processing" can be somewhat ambiguous. Are we talking about the API, the language, the development environment, or the web site? We'll be careful in this text when referring to each.

Sketching with Processing

A Processing program is called a sketch. The idea is to make programming feel more like scripting, and adopt the process of scripting to quickly write code. Sketches are stored in the sketchbook, a folder that's used as the default location for saving all of your projects. Sketches that are stored in the sketchbook can be accessed from File → Sketchbook. Alternatively, File → Open... can be used to open a sketch from elsewhere on the system.

Advanced programmers need not use the PDE, and may instead choose to use its libraries with the Python environment of choice. However, if you're just getting started, it's recommended that you use the PDE for your first few projects to gain familiarity with the way things are done. To better address our target audience, the conceptual model (how programs work, how interfaces are built, and how files are handled) is somewhat different from other programming environments.

Hello world

The Processing equivalent of a "Hello World" program is simply to draw a line:

line(15, 25, 70, 90)

Enter this example and press the Run button, which is an icon that looks like the Play button from any audio or video device. Your code will appear in a new window, with a gray background and a black line from coordinate (15, 25) to (70, 90). The (0, 0) coordinate is the upper left-hand corner of the display window. Building on this program to change the size of the display window and set the background color, type in the code below:

size(400, 400)
background(192, 64, 0)
line(150, 25, 270, 350)

This version sets the window size to 400 x 400 pixels, sets the background to an orange-red, and draws the line in white, by setting the stroke color to 255. By default, colors are specified in the range 0 to 255. Other variations of the parameters to the stroke() function provide alternate results:

stroke(255)               # sets the stroke color to white
stroke(255, 255, 255)     # identical to the line above
stroke(255, 128, 0)       # bright orange (red 255, green 128, blue 0)
stroke("#FF8000")         # bright orange as a web color
stroke(255, 128, 0, 128)  # bright orange with 50% transparency

The same alternatives work for the fill() function, which sets the fill color, and the background() function, which clears the display window. Like all Processing functions that affect drawing properties, the fill and stroke colors affect all geometry drawn to the screen until the next fill and stroke functions.

Hello mouse

A program written as a list of statements (like the previous examples) is called a static sketch. In a static sketch, a series of functions are used to perform tasks or create a single image without any animation or interaction. Interactive programs are drawn as a series of frames, which you can create by adding functions titled setup() and draw() as shown in the code below. These are built-in functions that are called automatically.

def setup():
    size(400, 400)
    background(192, 64, 0)

def draw():
    line(150, 25, mouseX, mouseY)

The setup() block runs once, and the draw() block runs repeatedly. As such, setup() can be used for any initialization; in this case, setting the screen size, making the background orange, and setting the stroke color to white. The draw() block is used to handle animation. The size() function must always be the first line inside setup().

Because the background() function is used only once, the screen will fill with lines as the mouse is moved. To draw just a single line that follows the mouse, move the background() function to the draw() function, which will clear the display window (filling it with orange) each time draw() runs.

def setup():
    size(400, 400)

def draw():
    background(192, 64, 0)
    line(150, 25, mouseX, mouseY)

Static programs are most commonly used for extremely simple examples, or for scripts that run in a linear fashion and then exit. For instance, a static program might start, draw a page to a PDF file, and exit.

Most programs will use the setup() and draw() blocks. More advanced mouse handling can also be introduced; for instance, the mousePressed() function will be called whenever the mouse is pressed. In the following example, when the mouse is pressed, the screen is cleared via the background() function:

def setup():
    size(400, 400)
def draw():
    line(150, 25, mouseX, mouseY)
def mousePressed():
    background(192, 64, 0)

Creating images from your work

If you don't want to distribute the actual project, you might want to create images of its output instead. Images are saved with the saveFrame() function. Adding saveFrame() at the end of draw() will produce a numbered sequence of TIFF-format images of the program's output, named screen-0001.tif, screen-0002.tif, and so on. A new file will be saved each time draw() runs - watch out, this can quickly fill your sketch folder with hundreds of files. You can also specify your own name and file type for the file to be saved with a function like:


To do the same for a numbered sequence, use # (hash marks) where the numbers should be placed:


For high quality output, you can write geometry to PDF files instead of the screen, as described in the later section about the size() function.

Examples and reference

While many programmers learn to code in school, others teach themselves and learn on their own. Learning on your own involves looking at lots of other code: running, altering, breaking, and enhancing it until you can reshape it into something new. With this learning model in mind, the Processing software download includes hundreds of examples that demonstrate different features of the environment and API.

The examples can be accessed from the File → Examples menu. They're grouped into categories based on their function (such as Motion, Typography, and Image) or the libraries they use (PDF, Network, and Video).

Find an interesting topic in the list and try an example. You'll see functions that are familiar, e.g. stroke(), line(), and background(), as well as others that have not yet been covered.

More about size()

The size() function sets the global variables width and height. For objects whose size is dependent on the screen, always use the width and height variables instead of a number. This prevents problems when the size() line is altered.

size(400, 400)

# The wrong way to specify the middle of the screen
ellipse(200, 200, 50, 50); 

# Always the middle, no matter how the size() line changes
ellipse(width/2, height/2, 50, 50);

In the earlier examples, the size() function specified only a width and height for the window to be created. An optional parameter to the size() function specifies how graphics are rendered. A renderer handles how the Processing API is implemented for a particular output function (whether the screen, or a screen driven by a high-end graphics card, or a PDF file). The default renderer does an excellent job with high-quality 2D vector graphics, but at the expense of speed. In particular, working with pixels directly is slow. Several other renderers are included with Processing, each having a unique function. At the risk of getting too far into the specifics, here's a description of the other possible drawing modes to use with Processing.

size(400, 400, P2D)

The P2D renderer uses OpenGL for faster rendering of two-dimensional graphics, while using Processing's simpler graphics APIs and the Processing development environment's easy application export.

size(400, 400, P3D)

The P3D renderer also uses OpenGL for faster rendering. It can draw three-dimensional objects and two-dimensional object in space as well as lighting, texture, and materials.

size(400, 400, PDF, "output.pdf")

The PDF renderer draws all geometry to a file instead of the screen. To use PDF, in addition to altering your size() function, you must select Import Library, then PDF from the Sketch menu. This is a cousin of the default renderer, but instead writes directly to PDF files.

Loading and displaying data

One of the unique aspects of the Processing API is the way files are handled. The loadImage() and loadStrings() functions each expect to find a file inside a folder named data, which is a subdirectory of the sketch folder.

File handling functions include loadStrings(), which reads a text file into an array of String objects, and loadImage() which reads an image into a PImage object, the container for image data in Processing.

# Examples of loading a text file and a JPEG image
# from the data folder of a sketch.
lines = loadStrings("something.txt")
img = loadImage("picture.jpg")

The loadStrings() function returns an array of Python string objects, which is assigned to a variable named lines; it will presumably be used later in the program under this name. The reason loadStrings creates an array is that it splits the something.txt file into its individual lines. The following function returns a PImage object, which is assigned to a variable named img.

To add a file to the data folder of a Processing sketch, use the Sketch → Add File menu option, or drag the file into the editor window of the PDE. The data folder will be created if it does not exist already.

To view the contents of the sketch folder, use the Sketch → Show Sketch Folder menu option. This opens the sketch window in your operating system's file browser.

Libraries add new features

A library is a collection of code in a specified format that makes it easy to use within Processing. Libraries have been important to the growth of the project, because they let developers make new features accessible to users without needing to make them part of the core Processing API.

Several core libraries come with Processing. These can be seen in the Libraries section of the online reference (also available from the Help menu from within the PDE.) These libraries can be seen at

One example is the PDF Export library. This library makes it possible to write PDF files directly from Processing. These vector graphics files can be scaled to any size and output at very high resolutions.

To use the PDF library in a Python Mode project, choose Sketch → Import Library → pdf. This will add the following line to the top of the sketch:


This line instructs Processing to use the indicated library when running the sketch.

Now that the PDF library is imported, you may use it to create a file. For instance, the following line of code creates a new PDF file named lines.pdf that you can draw to.

beginRecord(PDF, "lines.pdf")

Each drawing function such as line() and ellipse() will now draw to the screen as well as to the PDF.

Other libraries provide features such as reading images from a camera, sending and receiving MIDI and OSC commands, sophisticated 3D camera control, and access to MySQL databases.

Sketching and scripting

Processing sketches are made up of one or more tabs, with each tab representing a piece of code. The environment is designed around projects that are a few pages of code, and often three to five tabs in total. This covers a significant number of projects developed to test and prototype ideas, often before embedding them into a larger project or building a more robust application for broader deployment.

Processing assembles our experience in building software of this kind (sketches of interactive works or data-driven visualization) and simplifies the parts that we felt should be easier, such as getting started quickly, and insulating new users from issues like those associated with setting up complicated programming frameworks.

Don't start by trying to build a cathedral

If you're already familiar with programming, it's important to understand how Processing differs from other development environments and languages. The Processing project encourages a style of work that builds code quickly, understanding that either the code will be used as a quick sketch, or ideas are being tested before developing a final project. This could be misconstrued as software engineering heresy. Perhaps we're not far from "hacking,"" but this is more appropriate for the roles in which Processing is used. Why force students or casual programmers to learn about graphics contexts, threading, and event handling functions before they can show something on the screen that interacts with the mouse? The same goes for advanced developers: why should they always need to start with the same two pages of code whenever they begin a project?

In another scenario, the ability to try things out quickly is a far higher priority than sophisticated code structure. Usually you don't know what the outcome will be, so you might build something one week to try an initial hypothesis, and build something new the next based on what was learned in the first week. To this end, remember the following considerations as you begin writing code with Processing:

The argument is not to avoid continually rewriting, but rather to delay engineering work until it's appropriate. The threshold for where to begin engineering a piece of software is much later than for traditional programming projects because there is a kind of art to the early process of quick iteration.

Of course, once things are working, avoid the urge to rewrite for its own sake. A rewrite should be used when addressing a completely different problem. If you've managed to hit the nail on the head, you should refactor to clean up function names and class interactions. But a full rewrite of already finished code is almost always a bad idea, no matter how "ugly" it may seem.

Ch.3 - Coordinate System and Shapes (↑)

Before we begin programming with Processing, we must first channel our eighth grade selves, pull out a piece of graph paper, and draw a line. The shortest distance between two points is a good old fashioned line, and this is where we begin, with two points on that graph paper.

The above figure shows a line between point A (1,0) and point B (4,5). If you wanted to direct a friend of yours to draw that same line, you would give them a shout and say "draw a line from the point one-zero to the point four-five, please." Well, for the moment, imagine your friend was a computer and you wanted to instruct this digital pal to display that same line on its screen. The same command applies (only this time you can skip the pleasantries and you will be required to employ a precise formatting). Here, the instruction will look like this:

Even without having studied the syntax of writing code, the above statement should make a fair amount of sense. We are providing a command (which we will refer to as a "function") for the machine to follow entitled "line." In addition, we are specifying some arguments for how that line should be drawn, from point A (1,0) to point B (4,5). If you think of that line of code as a sentence, the function is a verb and the arguments are the objects of the sentence. The code sentence also ends with a semicolon instead of a period.

The key here is to realize that the computer screen is nothing more than a fancier piece of graph paper. Each pixel of the screen is a coordinate - two numbers, an "x" (horizontal) and a "y" (vertical) - that determines the location of a point in space. And it is our job to specify what shapes and colors should appear at these pixel coordinates.
Nevertheless, there is a catch here. The graph paper from eighth grade ("Cartesian coordinate system") placed (0,0) in the center with the y-axis pointing up and the x-axis pointing to the right (in the positive direction, negative down and to the left). The coordinate system for pixels in a computer window, however, is reversed along the y-axis. (0,0) can be found at the top left with the positive direction to the right horizontally and down vertically.

Simple Shapes

The vast majority of the programming examples you'll see with Processing are visual in nature. These examples, at their core, involve drawing shapes and setting pixels. Let's begin by looking at four primitive shapes.
For each shape, we will ask ourselves what information is required to specify the location and size (and later color) of that shape and learn how Processing expects to receive that information. In each of the diagrams below, we'll assume a window with a width of 10 pixels and height of 10 pixels. This isn't particularly realistic since when you really start coding you will most likely work with much larger windows (10x10 pixels is barely a few millimeters of screen space.) Nevertheless for demonstration purposes, it is nice to work with smaller numbers in order to present the pixels as they might appear on graph paper (for now) to better illustrate the inner workings of each line of code.
A point() is the easiest of the shapes and a good place to start. To draw a point, we only need an x and y coordinate.

A line() isn't terribly difficult either and simply requires two points: (x1,y1) and (x2,y2):

Once we arrive at drawing a rect(), things become a bit more complicated. In Processing, a rectangle is specified by the coordinate for the top left corner of the rectangle, as well as its width and height.

A second way to draw a rectangle involves specifying the centerpoint, along with width and height. If we prefer this method, we first indicate that we want to use the "CENTER" mode before the instruction for the rectangle itself. Note that Processing is case-sensitive.

Finally, we can also draw a rectangle with two points (the top left corner and the bottom right corner). The mode here is "CORNERS".

Once we have become comfortable with the concept of drawing a rectangle, an ellipse() is a snap. In fact, it is identical to rect() with the difference being that an ellipse is drawn where the bounding box of the rectangle would be. The default mode for ellipse() is "CENTER", rather than "CORNER."

It is important to acknowledge that these ellipses do not look particularly circular. Processing has a built-in methodology for selecting which pixels should be used to create a circular shape. Zoomed in like this, we get a bunch of squares in a circle-like pattern, but zoomed out on a computer screen, we get a nice round ellipse. Processing also gives us the power to develop our own algorithms for coloring in individual pixels (in fact, we can already imagine how we might do this using "point" over and over again), but for now, we are content with allowing the "ellipse" statement to do the hard work. (For more about pixels, start with: the pixels reference page, though be warned this is a great deal more advanced than this tutorial.)
Now let's look at what some code with shapes in more realistic setting, with window dimensions of 200 by 200. Note the use of the size() function to specify the width and height of the window.


Ch.4 - Color (↑)

Ch.5 - Objects (↑)

Ch.6 - Interactivity (↑)

Ch.7 - Typography (↑)

Ch.8 - Strings and Drawing Text (↑)